살기좋은 집, 친환경 주택

환경오염을 최소화 하며 자연을 배려하고 인체에 해로운 요소를 배제한 건축 자재 개발, 친환경 인테리어 건축을 통해 보다 건강하고 쾌적한 주거문화를 실현해 가고 있습니다.

에코리어 김중현의 살고 싶은 집에 동감하시는 분들을 환영합니다.

고객의 성원 속에 성장해 가는 에코리어는 친환경 건축자재, 에코인테리어, 목조주택 건축 등 각 분야별 문의와 상담을 환영합니다.

살기좋은 집, 친환경 주택

환경오염을 최소화 하며 자연을 배려하고 인체에 해로운 요소를 배제한 건축 자재 개발, 친환경 인테리어 건축을 통해 보다 건강하고 쾌적한 주거문화를 실현해 가고 있습니다.

에코리어 김중현의 살고 싶은 집에 동감하시는 분들을 환영합니다.

고객의 성원 속에 성장해 가는 에코리어는 친환경 건축자재, 에코인테리어, 목조주택 건축 등 각 분야별 문의와 상담을 환영합니다.

에코리어 디자인

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Architectural Planning

The architect usually begins to work when the site and the type and cost of a building have been determined. The site involves the varying behaviour of the natural environment that must be adjusted to the unvarying physical needs of human beings; the type is the generalized form established by society that must be adjusted to the special use for which the building is required; the cost implies the economics of land, labour, and materials that must be adjusted to suit a particular sum.force each other: socio-cultural value, experiental value, building-technical value and economical value.

Planning the environment

The methods of controlling the environment considered here are only the practical aspects of planning. They are treated by the architect within the context of the expressive aspects. The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of spaces within buildings, and other planning devices discussed below are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

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The arrangement of the axes of buildings and their parts is a device for controlling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall. The sun is regular in its course; it favours the southern and neglects the northern exposures of buildings in the Northern Hemisphere, so that it may be captured for heat or evaded for coolness by turning the axis of a plan toward or away from it.

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